Evaluation of driving behavior on rural 2-lane curves using the SHRP 2 naturalistic driving study data


Over half of motor vehicle fatalities are roadway departures, with rural horizontal curves being of particular interest because they make up only a small share of the system mileage but have a crash rate that is significantly higher than tangent sections. However the interaction between the driver and roadway environment is not well understood, and, as a result, it is difficult to select appropriate countermeasures. In order to address this knowledge gap, data from the SHRP 2 naturalistic driving study were used to develop relationships between driver, roadway, and environmental characteristics and risk of a road departure on rural curves. The SHRP 2 NDS collected data from over 3,000 male and female volunteer passenger vehicle drivers, ages 16–98, during a three year period, with most drivers participating between one to two years. A Roadway Information Database was collected in parallel and contains detailed roadway data collected on more than 12,500 centerline miles of highways in and around the study sites.

Journal of Safety Research. 54
Sam Tyner-Monroe, Ph.D.
Sam Tyner-Monroe, Ph.D.
Managing Director, Responsible AI

I am an applied statistician and data scientist, with a wide range of skills and experiences. I’m passionate about using data to make a difference.

